Miss us in ACIC? Come visit..

Miss us in ACIC? Come visit..

5 Star for ACIC!! Congrats.

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  • Thursday, December 1, 2011
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  • MyQUEST is an abbreviation for Malaysian Quality Evaluation System for Private
    Colleges. The system was developed by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)
    Malaysia, as an instrument to evaluate the current performance of private
    colleges in Malaysia in terms of students, programmes, graduates, resources and
    governance. The evaluation of private colleges is necessary in order to push the
    education level in Malaysia to a higher standard. It is also a direct contribution
    to achieve the Key Results Area (KRA) that could drive the quality of education
    industry in Malaysia.

    What are the evaluation criteria?
    All participated colleges are evaluated based on five main criteria, and each 
    criterion carries different weights. The evaluation criteria are:
    i. Students (10%)
    ii. Resources (30%)
    iii. Quality Management Systems (30%)
    iv. Programmes Recognition (10%)
    v. Graduates Recognition (20%)

    The evaluation involved two phases. In the first, the private colleges are allowed 
    to self evaluate by declaring their status and practices in the evaluation form 
    that is web-based. These responses are actually answers to quality based 
    indicators that will assign scores automatically and appropriately. The private 
    colleges are able to determine their scores. The second phase involves an audit 
    by a MOHE assigned audit involving the private college to obtain evidence 
    for the declaration made in the first phase. Scores will be added or deducted 
    accordingly with reference to the availability to unavailability to provide the 
    evidence respectively.



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